Airbrake Blog

JavaScript Async/Await Exception Handling with Airbrake!

Written by Frances Banks | Sep 23, 2017 12:07:42 AM

Introduced in ES6, promises are the big leap forward into asynchronous operations that JavaScript has needed for some time. However, in ES7 (or ESNext, as the upcoming release is sometimes referred to), promises were dramatically improved with the introduction of async functions and the await operator. In short, an async function simply defines and returns an asynchronous function, while the await operator is used to wait for a Promise object.

The secret sauce when using async and await together is that they effectively allow code to be written synchronously, while their behavior is still carried out behind the scenes as an asynchronous fashion. This is an extremely powerful feature, but the most noticeable effect when implementing async/await into your code is just how simple and easy to maintain the new syntax becomes.

In this article, we'll explore how to manage JavaScript async/await exception handling, including easy integration of the Airbrake-JS library, so let's get to it!

Full Code Sample

Below is the full code sample we'll be using in this example. Feel free to copy and paste it into your own project to try it out or follow along:

class Book {
get author() {
return this.get('_author');

set author(value) {
this.set('_author', value);

get pageCount() {
return this.get('_pageCount');

set pageCount(value) {
this.set('_pageCount', value);

get title() {
return this.get('_title');

set title(value) {
this.set('_title', value);
constructor(title, author, pageCount) { = author;
this.pageCount = pageCount;
this.title = title;

* General getter.
* @param property
* @returns {*}
get(property) {
return this[property];

* General setter.
* Used to simulate different property set results,
* depending on property that is modified and existing values.
* @param property
* @param value
set(property, value) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
if (property === '_title') {
// Simulate IO with 1 second delay.
setTimeout(() => {
let previousValue = this[property];
this[property] = value;
// Set title to new value no matter what.
if (typeof previousValue === 'undefined') {
resolve(`Updated Title to ${this.title}.`);
} else {
resolve(`Updated Title from '${previousValue}' to '${this.title}'.`);
}, 1000);
} else if (property === '_author') {
// Simulate IO with 1 second delay.
setTimeout(() => {
let previousValue = this[property];
// Set author to new value, if no author property is defined.
if (typeof previousValue === 'undefined') {
this[property] = value;
resolve(`Updated Title to ${this.title}.`);
} else {
// If author is already defined, reject update
// and throw new Error.
reject(new Error(`Cannot update Author from ${previousValue} to ${value}.`));
}, 1000);

* Output Book to formatted string.
* @returns {string}
toString() {
return `'${this.title}' by ${} (${this.pageCount} pgs)`;

// main.js
require(['airbrakeJs/client'], function (AirbrakeClient) {
let airbrake = new AirbrakeClient({
projectId: 157536,
projectKey: 'e6b2c1bd63c0c26ab5751a7ce89d2757'


const testPromise = () => {
// Create new Book instance.
let book = new Book('The Stand', 'Stephen King', 1153);
// Output current title.
// Set title new using promises.
book.set('_title', 'Promise Title').then(
// Handle resolve message.
(message) => console.log(message)
// Set new author using promises.
book.set('_author', 'Promise Author').then(
// Handle resolve message.
(message) => console.log(message),
// Handle reject message.
(err) => console.log(err)

const testPromiseWithAirbrake = (airbrake) => {
// Create new Book instance.
let book = new Book('The Stand', 'Stephen King', 1153);
// Output current title.
// Set title new using promises.
book.set('_title', 'Promise w/ Airbrake Title').then(
// Handle resolve message.
(message) => console.log(message)
// Set new author using promises.
book.set('_author', 'Promise w/ Airbrake Author').then(
// Handle resolve message.
(message) => console.log(message),
// Handle reject message.
(err) => {
// Handle error with Airbrake.
let promise = airbrake.notify(err);
(notice) => console.log('Airbrake Notice Id:',,
(noticeError) => console.log('Airbrake Notification Failed:', noticeError)

const testAsyncAwait = async () => {
// With Async/Await, can use inline try-catch block.
try {
let book = new Book('The Stand', 'Stephen King', 1153);
await book.set('_title', 'Await Title');
await book.set('_author', 'Await Author');
} catch (err) {

const testAsyncAwaitWithAirbrake = async (airbrake) => {
try {
let book = new Book('The Stand', 'Stephen King', 1153);
await book.set('_title', 'Await w/ Airbrake Title')
await book.set('_author', 'Await w/ Airbrake Author');
} catch (err) {
// Handle error with Airbrake, by awaiting promise from notify.
await airbrake.notify(err).then(
(notice) => console.log('Airbrake Notice Id:',

// app.js
baseUrl: 'lib',
paths: {
app: '../app',
airbrakeJs: 'node_modules/airbrake-js/dist',
book: 'book'


<!DOCTYPE html>
<!-- index.html -->
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title>Promise, Async, and Await with Airbrake</title>
<script data-main="app" src="lib/require.js"></script>


The Setup

For our example code we'll be using the basic Book class:

class Book {
get author() {
return this.get('_author');

set author(value) {
this.set('_author', value);

get pageCount() {
return this.get('_pageCount');

set pageCount(value) {
this.set('_pageCount', value);

get title() {
return this.get('_title');

set title(value) {
this.set('_title', value);
constructor(title, author, pageCount) { = author;
this.pageCount = pageCount;
this.title = title;

* General getter.
* @param property
* @returns {*}
get(property) {
return this[property];

* General setter.
* Used to simulate different property set results,
* depending on property that is modified and existing values.
* @param property
* @param value
set(property, value) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
if (property === '_title') {
// Simulate IO with 1 second delay.
setTimeout(() => {
let previousValue = this[property];
this[property] = value;
// Set title to new value no matter what.
if (typeof previousValue === 'undefined') {
resolve(`Updated Title to ${this.title}.`);
} else {
resolve(`Updated Title from '${previousValue}' to '${this.title}'.`);
}, 1000);
} else if (property === '_author') {
// Simulate IO with 1 second delay.
setTimeout(() => {
let previousValue = this[property];
// Set author to new value, if no author property is defined.
if (typeof previousValue === 'undefined') {
this[property] = value;
resolve(`Updated Title to ${this.title}.`);
} else {
// If author is already defined, reject update
// and throw new Error.
reject(new Error(`Cannot update Author from ${previousValue} to ${value}.`));
}, 1000);

* Output Book to formatted string.
* @returns {string}
toString() {
return `'${this.title}' by ${} (${this.pageCount} pgs)`;

It has a handful of properties with explicit getters and setters (using the get and set keywords), but otherwise, the only special logic is the specific set(property, value) and get(property) methods. These are generalized methods which make it easier to create Promises for our example. In particular, notice that the set(property, value) method returns a new Promise(...) object. To simulate an asynchronous action we're explicitly calling setTimeout() and delaying by one second. Since we're returning a Promise, we call the resolve(...) method to indicate a successful call, while we invoke reject(...) when the call has failed. In this case, reject(...) is called only when attempting to update the author property while an author value already exists. This behavior could simulate business logic that requires rejecting a data record update when a value already exists, but, since it's an IO action, it must be performed asynchronously.

Using Promises

We'll begin with the most basic implementation of asynchronous operations, which is a plain old Promise object. As we saw above, the Book.set(property, value) method returns a Promise object, so our testPromise() function below creates a new Book instance, sets the title using the set(property, value) method, then invokes the .then method of the returned Promise object, which is called once the Promise comes back with a result:

const testPromise = () => {
// Create new Book instance.
let book = new Book('The Stand', 'Stephen King', 1153);
// Output current title.
// Set title new using promises.
book.set('_title', 'Promise Title').then(
// Handle resolve message.
(message) => console.log(message)
// Set new author using promises.
book.set('_author', 'Promise Author').then(
// Handle resolve message.
(message) => console.log(message),
// Handle reject message.
(err) => console.log(err)

Since setting the title property always succeeds, that will work and output the Promise result to the log. However, the attempt to set a new author value will fail, since an author already exists. This is confirmed by the log output, which occurs after the artificial one second delay:

Updated Title from 'The Stand' to 'Promise Title'.
Error: Cannot update Author from Stephen King to Promise Author.

Using Promises with Airbrake

Let's integrate our Promise asynchronous methodology with the Airbrake-JS module. We won't go over the setup process of Airbrake-JS here, but be sure to check out the official documentation for information on installing the library.

Once Airbrake-JS is installed and we've created a new project on the Airbrake dashboard, we can include the library in whatever manner is easiest. For this example, we're using requirejs, so we start by defining the location of our app within the app.js file, along with the location of the Airbrake-JS module:

// app.js
baseUrl: 'lib',
paths: {
app: '../app',
airbrakeJs: 'node_modules/airbrake-js/dist',
book: 'book'


Now, within our main application code we require Airbrake-JS, and then we can use the Airbrake client object to set our projectId and projectKey, both of which are found on the Airbrake dashboard:

// main.js
require(['airbrakeJs/client'], function (AirbrakeClient) {
let airbrake = new AirbrakeClient({
projectKey: 'YOUR_PROJECT_KEY'

// ...


// ...

As you can see, we've opted to pass the Airbrake client object as a parameter to the testPromiseWithAirbrake(airbrake) function, but we could just as easily instantiate it inside the function if we wish. Here we see the code of the aforementioned function:

const testPromiseWithAirbrake = (airbrake) => {
// Create new Book instance.
let book = new Book('The Stand', 'Stephen King', 1153);
// Output current title.
// Set title new using promises.
book.set('_title', 'Promise w/ Airbrake Title').then(
// Handle resolve message.
(message) => console.log(message)
// Set new author using promises.
book.set('_author', 'Promise w/ Airbrake Author').then(
// Handle resolve message.
(message) => console.log(message),
// Handle reject message.
(err) => {
// Handle error with Airbrake.
let promise = airbrake.notify(err);
(notice) => console.log('Airbrake Notice Id:',,
(noticeError) => console.log('Airbrake Notification Failed:', noticeError)

In may look a bit complicated, but very little is different from our previous testPromise() function. All we've added is the call to airbrake.notify(err). Since the notify(...) method returns a Promise object itself, we next call the then(...) method on that object to perform various actions, depending if the Promise succeeded or failed.

Executing the function above produces the following output, indicating that the attempt to set a new author failed again, but this time we caught the error and processed it via Airbrake, which generated a new notification on the Airbrake dashboard:

Updated Title from 'The Stand' to 'Promise w/ Airbrake Title'.
Airbrake Notice Id: 000559d3-17a9-f4db-5760-7b1f87af2312

Sure enough, opening the Airbrake dashboard and looking at the Errors panel shows a new error report, with an Error Message of "Cannot update Author from Stephen King to Await w/ Airbrake Author.". Neat!

Using Async/Await

Now, let's see what happens if we update our original testPromise() function to use async/await functionality. Here's the testAsyncAwait() function to do just that:

const testAsyncAwait = async () => {
// With Async/Await, can use inline try-catch block.
try {
let book = new Book('The Stand', 'Stephen King', 1153);
await book.set('_title', 'Await Title');
await book.set('_author', 'Await Author');
} catch (err) {

What should immediately jump out at you is just how little code is required. This function performs the same logic as the testPromise() function, but requires nearly half the number of characters and lines of code. Moreover, there's no more need to mess with the complication of then(...) method callbacks. Instead, await handles that for us, by waiting for the result of the awaited Promise to ("pseudo-synchronously") move onto the next line within the same async function.

The result of executing this function is just as we saw before, where the attempt to overwrite the author property fails:

Error: Cannot update Author from Stephen King to Await Author.

Using Async/Await with Airbrake

Finally, let's pull it all together and see how to combine the advanced async/await methodology with the simplicity of handling errors and exceptions via Airbrake. This is accomplished within the testAsyncAwaitWithAirbrake(airbrake) method:

const testAsyncAwaitWithAirbrake = async (airbrake) => {
try {
let book = new Book('The Stand', 'Stephen King', 1153);
await book.set('_title', 'Await w/ Airbrake Title')
await book.set('_author', 'Await w/ Airbrake Author');
} catch (err) {
// Handle error with Airbrake, by awaiting promise from notify.
await airbrake.notify(err).then(
(notice) => console.log('Airbrake Notice Id:',

Again, we've managed to cut down the lines/characters by half from the previous Promise-based example that integrated with Airbrake. Best of all, since the Airbrake client's notify(...) method returns a Promise, we can simply prefix that call with the await operator to halt execution at that point while waiting for the result. While we've then chosen to immediately invoke the then(...) method of the returned Promise object in this case, we could continue integrating async/await all the way down the chain, to completely get rid of Promise.then(...) method calls. For this case, however, then(...) doesn't do anything that requires delayed processing/IO, so we can execute it immediately, once await comes back.

The result of executing this code is just as we saw before:

Airbrake Notice Id: 000559d3-3bff-5c6e-2760-135cc8132852

And, just as before, a new error corresponding with this generated notification appears on the Airbrake dashboard, with the Error Message of "Cannot update Author from Stephen King to Await w/ Airbrake Author."

That's just a small taste of the power of the Airbrake-JS module and the newest async/await methodology introduced in the upcoming JavaScript release!