Airbrake Blog

Creational Design Patterns: Singleton

Written by Frances Banks | May 16, 2017 5:00:00 PM

Today we're continuing our journey through our Guide to Software Design Patterns series with our final Creational pattern: singleton. The purpose of the singleton pattern is to ensure that only a single instance of the object or class in question can exist at one time.

We'll spend some time in this article examining the singleton pattern in more detail, using both real world examples and some functional C# code. We'll also briefly touch on the differences between thread safe vs non-thread safe methods of implementation, and why consideration of those two dynamics may be important. Let's get going!

Singleton the Real World

There are certainly many instances in the real world where a particular object could be considered a singleton. Individual human beings are the most relatable, since each of us is extraordinarily unique through the structure of our cells, our minds, our experiences, our behaviors, and so forth (#UniqueSnowflakes). However, it's important to differentiate between singularity and uniqueness. While it would be correct for us to state that there is no other individual person that is exactly like you, and therefore you are unique in that regard, of course there are billions of other human beings. In a programming sense, if you were creating a class to represent a singleton instance of yourself, you might call the class Me:

public class Me
public Me
console.log("I'm awesome!");

However, we couldn't simply create a Person class, since we would likely have to create billions of instances of the Personclass, in order to represent everyone on the planet. Thus, when considering the singleton class, it's critical to think in terms of uniqueness.

To that end, another real world example of a singleton object is a simple deck of cards. When most of us sit down to play a few games of poker with our buddies, we often play using a single entity known as the deck. This typically consists of 52 cards in total, made up of thirteen ranks of four suits each. When a hand is dealt around the table, all cards are obtained from that single shuffled instance of the deck. Once the hand is over and you've (hopefully) taken your friends for all they're worth, all 52 cards are gathered up and shuffled back into that same single instance of the deck, then a new hand is dealt from it. Repeat ad nauseam until all money is lost and/or drunkenness overtakes you.

How Singleton Works In Code

Now, as mentioned in the introduction, the basic purpose of the singleton pattern is when there is a class which you want to ensure can only ever have a maximum of one instance in existence at any given moment. While not an very common pattern, there are some cases where it's helpful to have a singleton class, such as when performing heavy I/O functions on a data set where you must be assured that multiple duplicate requests don't occur simultaneously. In that case, a singletonpattern could be used as part of a queue or job system.

To illustrate how a singleton pattern is implemented we'll continue with a deck of cards example. As with our previous design pattern articles, it's probably easiest to give the full code at the start, then we'll explore it in more detail to follow:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using Utility;

namespace Singleton
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)

static void NonThreadSafeExample()
// Create two new threads.
var threadA = new System.Threading.Thread(new System.Threading.ThreadStart(NonSafeThreadA));
var threadB = new System.Threading.Thread(new System.Threading.ThreadStart(NonSafeThreadB));
// Execute both new threads.

// Block this thread for three seconds, so other threads can finish execution.
// Get deck instance.
var deck = NonThreadSafeDeck.Instance;
// Check current card count.
Logging.Log($"Main Thread card count: {deck.Cards.Count()}");

static void NonSafeThreadA()
var deck = NonThreadSafeDeck.Instance;
Logging.Log($"Thread A card count: {deck.Cards.Count()}");
Logging.Log("Removing a card from Thread A deck.");
Logging.Log($"Thread A card count: {deck.Cards.Count()}");

static void NonSafeThreadB()
var deck = NonThreadSafeDeck.Instance;
Logging.Log($"Thread B card count: {deck.Cards.Count()}");
Logging.Log("Removing a card from Thread B deck.");
Logging.Log($"Thread B card count: {deck.Cards.Count()}");

static void ThreadSafeExample()

// Create two new threads.
var threadA = new System.Threading.Thread(new System.Threading.ThreadStart(SafeThreadA));
var threadB = new System.Threading.Thread(new System.Threading.ThreadStart(SafeThreadB));
// Execute both new threads.

// Block this thread for three seconds, so other threads can finish execution.
// Get deck instance.
var deck = Deck.Instance;
// Check current card count.
Logging.Log($"Main thread card count: {deck.Cards.Count()}");

static void SafeThreadA()
var deck = Deck.Instance;
Logging.Log($"Thread A card count: {deck.Cards.Count()}");
Logging.Log("Removing a card from Thread A deck.");
Logging.Log($"Thread A card count: {deck.Cards.Count()}");

static void SafeThreadB()
var deck = Deck.Instance;
Logging.Log($"Thread B card count: {deck.Cards.Count()}");
Logging.Log("Removing a card from Thread B deck.");
Logging.Log($"Thread B card count: {deck.Cards.Count()}");


public enum Suit

public enum Rank

public interface ICard
Suit Suit { get; set; }
Rank Rank { get; set; }

public class Card : ICard
public Suit Suit { get; set; }
public Rank Rank { get; set; }

public Card(Suit suit, Rank rank)
Suit = suit;
Rank = rank;

public sealed class Deck
private static readonly Lazy<Deck> LazyDeck = new Lazy<Deck>(() => new Deck());

public static Deck Instance { get { return LazyDeck.Value; } }
public List<Card> Cards { get; set; }

private Deck()
// Query all possible card combinations and create list of Card class instances.
var cardList = from suit in Enum.GetValues(typeof(Suit)).Cast<Suit>().ToList()
from rank in Enum.GetValues(typeof(Rank)).Cast<Rank>().ToList()
select new Card(suit, rank);
// Assign list to Cards property.
Cards = cardList.ToList<Card>();

public sealed class NonThreadSafeDeck
private static NonThreadSafeDeck instance = null;
public List<Card> Cards { get; set; }

private NonThreadSafeDeck()
// Query all possible card combinations and create list of Card class instances.
var cardList = from suit in Enum.GetValues(typeof(Suit)).Cast<Suit>().ToList()
from rank in Enum.GetValues(typeof(Rank)).Cast<Rank>().ToList()
select new Card(suit, rank);
// Assign list to Cards property.
Cards = cardList.ToList<Card>();

public static NonThreadSafeDeck Instance
if (instance == null)
instance = new NonThreadSafeDeck();
return instance;

Note: To keep this a bit shorter we've left out the Utility namespace and Logging class code. Those snippets have been included in other Design Pattern articles, so feel free to check those out if you're curious.

For this example we have a basic Deck class and we want to ensure that it is a singleton, such that only one instance of the class can ever be created or used in code. However, when dealing with singleton patterns, another important factor must be taken into consideration: thread safety. We won't get into too many of the details but, like many programming languages/frameworks, .NET allows for the creation and execution of multiple threads. In practice, this usually means that one thread might be handling UI and visual functionality, while another thread could be handling background logic and processing.

The challenge with developing multi-thread applications is ensuring that the entire codebase is thread safe. An application is thread safe when multiple threads can execute in tandem, but never present what are known as race conditions, which occur when the application behavior or state changes based on sequential or timed executions. As we'll see in our example code shortly, a non-thread safe application can allow for multiple threads to interact with (and thus alter) the state of an object without the other thread knowing about these interactions.

Thus, our example code begins with some basic enums to represent the possible suits and ranks of our cards. We also have a simple ICard interface which is used by our Card class to indicate that a single instance of Card must have a valid Suitand Rank enumeration value:

public enum Suit

public enum Rank

public interface ICard
Suit Suit { get; set; }
Rank Rank { get; set; }

public class Card : ICard
public Suit Suit { get; set; }
public Rank Rank { get; set; }

public Card(Suit suit, Rank rank)
Suit = suit;
Rank = rank;

With those basics setup, we can start by defining our Deck classes. We begin with the NonThreadSafeDeck class:

public sealed class NonThreadSafeDeck
private static NonThreadSafeDeck instance = null;
public List<Card> Cards { get; set; }

private NonThreadSafeDeck()
// Query all possible card combinations and create list of Card class instances.
var cardList = from suit in Enum.GetValues(typeof(Suit)).Cast<Suit>().ToList()
from rank in Enum.GetValues(typeof(Rank)).Cast<Rank>().ToList()
select new Card(suit, rank);
// Assign list to Cards property.
Cards = cardList.ToList<Card>();

public static NonThreadSafeDeck Instance
if (instance == null)
instance = new NonThreadSafeDeck();
return instance;

This is our first crack at a singleton pattern to represent our deck of cards. The sealed keyword ensure that no other class can inherit from NonThreadSafeDeck. This is a critical part of the singleton pattern, since allowing inheritance would mean that two (or more) subclasses could be defined and then initialized, which would lead to two (or more) unique instances of our class (which violates the singleton pattern).

We then define a static property called instance, which expects to be set to a NonThreadSafeDeck type. This is used to store our single instance of our class. We also have the Cards property, which is just a list of Card class instances that we'll use for the basic logic of populating our deck.

The private NonThreadSafeDeck constructor could be blank, though here we have our basic logic to instantiate our list of Cards by using a LINQ query to create a unique Card instance for each combination of all Ranks and Suits (giving us the standard 52 card deck).

Finally, we have a static Instance method that is our only public member of the class. This method checks if our instance property exists yet, and if not, creates a new instance of our class then returns that value.

The result is that we can instantiate our singleton instance of NonThreadSafeDeck via the NonThreadSafeDeck.Instanceproperty:

var deck = NonThreadSafeDeck.Instance;

However, as the name of our class implies, this potentially presents a pretty big problem: It's not thread safe. To see why we have three simple methods that use NonThreadSafeDeck across a total of three execution threads:

static void NonThreadSafeExample()
// Create two new threads.
var threadA = new System.Threading.Thread(new System.Threading.ThreadStart(NonSafeThreadA));
var threadB = new System.Threading.Thread(new System.Threading.ThreadStart(NonSafeThreadB));
// Execute both new threads.

// Block this thread for three seconds, so other threads can finish execution.
// Get deck instance.
var deck = NonThreadSafeDeck.Instance;
// Check current card count.
Logging.Log($"Main Thread card count: {deck.Cards.Count()}");

static void NonSafeThreadA()
var deck = NonThreadSafeDeck.Instance;
Logging.Log($"Thread A card count: {deck.Cards.Count()}");
Logging.Log("Removing a card from Thread A deck.");
Logging.Log($"Thread A card count: {deck.Cards.Count()}");

static void NonSafeThreadB()
var deck = NonThreadSafeDeck.Instance;
Logging.Log($"Thread B card count: {deck.Cards.Count()}");
Logging.Log("Removing a card from Thread B deck.");
Logging.Log($"Thread B card count: {deck.Cards.Count()}");

The code is reasonably commented, but the basic idea here is that we create two new threads (A and B) and define that the execution of each thread should begin with the NonSafeThreadA and NonSafeThreadB methods, respectively. Within each method we get the Instance of our NonThreadSafeDeck class, assign it to a local deck variable, then perform some simple steps: Output the current card count, remove a single card, then output the updated card count.

Finally, we wait for three seconds to ensure our A and B threads have completed before we continue in the main thread, grabbing the Instance one last time and outputting that current card count a final time.

While you can probably guess what will happen, here's the resulting output of this test:

Thread B card count: 52
Removing a card from Thread B deck.
Thread B card count: 51
Thread A card count: 52
Removing a card from Thread A deck.
Thread A card count: 51
Main Thread card count: 51
The thread 0x38c0 has exited with code 0 (0x0).
The thread 0x4634 has exited with code 0 (0x0).

As we can see from the output our code is not thread safe. We first get our Instance in thread A and decrement the card count down to 51. Then when we get our Instance in thread B, the card count is back up to 52, so we again decrement it down to 51. After both A and B threads are complete, we check the card count of Instance in our main thread, and we find that it is at 51. This is clearly not what was intended, since we decremented the count two times, once in each sub-thread, so we should expect the count in the main thread to be 50.

The reason for our trouble -- and thus why NonThreadSafeDeck is not a true singleton pattern class -- is because we had no checks in place within our class (and the Instance method specifically) to determine if our instance property was already defined in another thread. Since our A and B threads effectively executed simultaneously, they both checked (and confirmed) that instance was still null, and therefore they both create a new NonThreadSafeDeck instance and returned it for us at the same time.

To resolve this issue we can make a few simple changes in our design within the Deck class:

public sealed class Deck
private static readonly Lazy<Deck> LazyDeck = new Lazy<Deck>(() => new Deck());

public static Deck Instance { get { return LazyDeck.Value; } }
public List<Card> Cards { get; set; }

private Deck()
// Query all possible card combinations and create list of Card class instances.
var cardList = from suit in Enum.GetValues(typeof(Suit)).Cast<Suit>().ToList()
from rank in Enum.GetValues(typeof(Rank)).Cast<Rank>().ToList()
select new Card(suit, rank);
// Assign list to Cards property.
Cards = cardList.ToList<Card>();

Here we're defining the LazyDeck property of our Deck class, which is a static readonly of the Lazy<T> class type.Lazy<T> allows us to create an object that uses lazy initialization, which means that the actual creation of the LazyDeckproperty is deferred until it is first used. Lazy initialization is commonly used for expensive operations within an object creation, so it can be delayed until a later time. However, in our case, we're using it as a simpler (and thread safe) means of creating a unique, single instance of our Deck class. Lazy<T> is inherently thread safe, which we'll see in a moment.

We set the LazyDeck property's initial value to new Lazy<Deck>, then pass in a lambda to specify the function that will be called when LazyDeck.Value is first accessed. In this case, it is an anonymous function that simply creates a new Deck()instance and returns that to be assigned to the LazyDeck.Value property.

Our Deck.Instance property is much the same as before, but we're using that to return LazyDeck.Value, which behaves the same as our previous example, giving us the singleton instance of our class. From there, the constructor and Cardsproperty are both the same as before, so we won't go over those.

The result is that we now have a thread safe version of our deck via the Deck class. To illustrate this we have a similar setup that we used before, creating two threads (A and B), retrieving the Deck.Instance value within each, decrementing the card count, then checking the final counts afterward and in the main thread at the end:

static void ThreadSafeExample()

// Create two new threads.
var threadA = new System.Threading.Thread(new System.Threading.ThreadStart(SafeThreadA));
var threadB = new System.Threading.Thread(new System.Threading.ThreadStart(SafeThreadB));
// Execute both new threads.

// Block this thread for three seconds, so other threads can finish execution.
// Get deck instance.
var deck = Deck.Instance;
// Check current card count.
Logging.Log($"Main thread card count: {deck.Cards.Count()}");

static void SafeThreadA()
var deck = Deck.Instance;
Logging.Log($"Thread A card count: {deck.Cards.Count()}");
Logging.Log("Removing a card from Thread A deck.");
Logging.Log($"Thread A card count: {deck.Cards.Count()}");

static void SafeThreadB()
var deck = Deck.Instance;
Logging.Log($"Thread B card count: {deck.Cards.Count()}");
Logging.Log("Removing a card from Thread B deck.");
Logging.Log($"Thread B card count: {deck.Cards.Count()}");

The output shows us that our underlying Deck object instance is a true singleton:

Thread B card count: 52
Removing a card from Thread B deck.
Thread B card count: 51
Thread A card count: 52
Removing a card from Thread A deck.
Thread A card count: 50
Main thread card count: 50
The thread 0x2bbc has exited with code 0 (0x0).
The thread 0x3fe8 has exited with code 0 (0x0).

Even though we had two threads running in parallel, we are able to decrement the card count within each thread and have the singleton instance of Deck retain it's state and values. This results in the card count now being dropped down to the expected value of 50 in the main thread.