Airbrake Blog

.NET Exceptions - System.FormatException

Written by Frances Banks | Jul 17, 2017 2:00:02 PM

Moving along through our in-depth .NET Exception Handling series, today we come across the System.FormatException. As the name implies, the System.FormatException is thrown in a wide variety of scenarios, yet they all revolve around providing an improperly formatted argument to a vast array of methods and API calls.

We'll spend some time in this article exploring the System.FormatException in more detail, such as where it resides in the .NET exception hierarchy. We'll also take a look at a few functional C# code samples that will illustrate how the System.FormatException might be thrown in some everyday code, so you can better plan for handling them yourself. Let's get going!

The Technical Rundown

When Should You Use It?

Like many of the Exception classes within .NET that inherit directly from System.SystemException, the System.FormatException is quite broad and encompasses a great deal of potential format-related issues. In fact, there are far too many edge cases to go through them all here, let alone provide code examples, so we'll just briefly list a few common scenarios that could lead to a System.FormatException:

  • Conversion attempts using Convert class methods in an attempt to change a string into another data type by passing an invalid string value.
  • DateTime class parse attempts that don't conform to the expected culture-specific formatting patterns.
  • GUIDs that aren't 32-hexadecimal digits.
  • Attempting to pass a format string to an object that implements the IFormattable interface, but where the format string isn't one of the standard format strings.
  • Calling String.Format(), whereby the provided format string contains a greater number of indices than the number of insertion object arguments that were given (e.g. String.Format("{0:t} on {1:D}", DateTime.Now)).

There are many other possible scenarios to consider, so you are encouraged to check out the official documentation for all the details on the System.FormatException and see in which scenarios it might pop up.

For our code examples today we'll be looking at two scenarios outlined above: Using methods of the Convert class with improper string values passed, and using an invalid format string for an IFormattable implementor object. As usual, we'll start with the full code sample below, then walk through it in more detail afterward:

using System;
using System.Linq;
using Utility;

namespace Airbrake.FormatException
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
// Convert name string to character.
var name = "John";
// Convert first character of name to character.
name = name.First().ToString();


// Convert string to boolean.
var booleanString = "true";
// Convert invalid string to boolean.
booleanString = "truthy";


// Format decimal using currency format string.
var value = 49.95m;
var format = "{0:C2}";
Logging.Log($"Formatted decimal: {value} via format: {format} into result: {FormatDecimal(value, format)}");
// Format decimal using non-standard format string.
format = "{0:Z2}";
Logging.Log($"Formatted decimal: {value} via format: {format} into result: {FormatDecimal(value, format)}");


/// Converts a string to a character.

///String value to be converted. /// Converted character result.
static char? ConvertStringToChar(string value)
// Convert string to character.
var result = Convert.ToChar(value);
// Log conversion result.
Logging.Log($"Converted string: {value} to character: {result}.");
// Return result.
return result;
catch (System.FormatException exception)
catch (Exception exception)
Logging.Log(exception, false);
return null;


/// Converts a string to a boolean.

///String value to be converted. /// Converted boolean result.
static bool? ConvertStringToBoolean(string value)
// Convert string to boolean.
var result = Convert.ToBoolean(value);
// Log conversion result.
Logging.Log($"Converted string: {value} to boolean: {result}.");
// Return result.
return result;
catch (System.FormatException exception)
catch (Exception exception)
Logging.Log(exception, false);
return null;


/// Format a decimal value using provided format string.

///Decimal value to format. ///Format string to use. /// Resulting formatted string.
static string FormatDecimal(decimal value, string format)
// Directly format passed value.
return String.Format($"{format}.", value);
catch (System.FormatException exception)
catch (Exception exception)
Logging.Log(exception, false);
return null;

using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Text;

namespace Utility

/// Houses all logging methods for various debug outputs.

public static class Logging

/// Outputs to if DEBUG mode is enabled,
/// otherwise uses standard .

///Value to be output to log. public static void Log(string value)


/// When parameter is passed, modifies the output to indicate
/// if was expected, based on passed in `expected` parameter.
/// Outputs the full type and message. ///

///The to output. ///Boolean indicating if was expected. public static void Log(Exception exception, bool expected = true)
string value = $"[{(expected ? "EXPECTED" : "UNEXPECTED")}] {exception.ToString()}: {exception.Message}";


/// Outputs to if DEBUG mode is enabled,
/// otherwise uses standard .
/// ObjectDumper class from .

///Value to be output to log. public static void Log(object value)


/// Outputs a dashed line separator to
/// if DEBUG mode is enabled, otherwise uses standard .

public static void LineSeparator(int length = 40)
Debug.WriteLine(new string('-', length));
Console.WriteLine(new string('-', length));

We begin with the ConvertStringToChar(string value) method, which does just as the name implies. As with all our example methods, we're logging any caught System.FormatExceptions that may be thrown:


/// Converts a string to a character.

///String value to be converted. /// Converted character result.
static char? ConvertStringToChar(string value)
// Convert string to character.
var result = Convert.ToChar(value);
// Log conversion result.
Logging.Log($"Converted string: {value} to character: {result}.");
// Return result.
return result;
catch (System.FormatException exception)
catch (Exception exception)
Logging.Log(exception, false);
return null;

We start by declaring a name variable and then passing it to ConvertStringToChar(string value):

// Convert name string to character.
var name = "John";

As you may be aware, the Convert.ToChar(string value) method requires that the passed string be only a single character long, so we end up throwing a System.FormatException:

[EXPECTED] System.FormatException: String must be exactly one character long.

Instead, we'll try setting name equal to only the first character, then pass it a second time (this is a bit convoluted, since name.First() already converts itself to a char object):

// Convert first character of name to character.
name = name.First().ToString();

Sure enough, this conversion works fine:

Converted string: J to character: J.

We also have a similar ConvertStringToBoolean(string value) method that, again, attempts just what the method name states:


/// Converts a string to a boolean.

///String value to be converted. /// Converted boolean result.
static bool? ConvertStringToBoolean(string value)
// Convert string to boolean.
var result = Convert.ToBoolean(value);
// Log conversion result.
Logging.Log($"Converted string: {value} to boolean: {result}.");
// Return result.
return result;
catch (System.FormatException exception)
catch (Exception exception)
Logging.Log(exception, false);
return null;

To test this we'll first start with a string value of "true", followed by a value of "truthy":

// Convert string to boolean.
var booleanString = "true";
// Convert invalid string to boolean.
booleanString = "truthy";

As it happens, Convert.ToBoolean(string value) only accepts values of "False", "false", "True", or "true", so while our first call succeeds, our second call throws another System.FormatException:

Converted string: true to boolean: True.
[EXPECTED] System.FormatException: String was not recognized as a valid Boolean.

Our last example attempts to provide a format string to an object that implements IFormattable. In this case, the FormatDecimal(decimal value, string format) method tries to format the passed value using the passed format string, then returns the result:


/// Format a decimal value using provided format string.

///Decimal value to format. ///Format string to use. /// Resulting formatted string.
static string FormatDecimal(decimal value, string format)
// Directly format passed value.
return String.Format($"{format}.", value);
catch (System.FormatException exception)
catch (Exception exception)
Logging.Log(exception, false);
return null;

To test this method we first declare the value variable, along with format using a valid standard numeric format string (c, in this case, which signifies a currency). For our second call we try using a numeric format string of Z, which is invalid:

// Format decimal using currency format string.
var value = 49.95m;
var format = "{0:C2}";
Logging.Log($"Formatted decimal: {value} via format: {format} into result: {FormatDecimal(value, format)}");
// Format decimal using non-standard format string.
format = "{0:Z2}";
Logging.Log($"Formatted decimal: {value} via format: {format} into result: {FormatDecimal(value, format)}");

As expected, our first call performs just as expected, while the second call throws yet another System.FormatException, informing us of the issue:

Formatted decimal: 49.95 via format: {0:C2} to result: $49.95.
[EXPECTED] System.FormatException: Format specifier was invalid.

To get the most out of your own applications and to fully manage any and all .NET Exceptions, check out the Airbrake .NET Bug Handler, offering real-time alerts and instantaneous insight into what went wrong with your .NET code, along with built-in support for a variety of popular development integrations including: JIRA, GitHub, Bitbucket, and much more.