Airbrake Blog

Python Exception Handling - BufferError

Written by Frances Banks | Dec 14, 2017 1:00:38 AM

Making our way through our detailed Python Exception Handling series, next up on the docket is the BufferError. The BufferError occurs when a problem arises while working with any sort of memory buffer within Python. Specifically, classes like memoryview and BytesIO tend to raise these error types when something goes wrong.

In today's article we'll explore the BufferError by examining where it resides in the overall Python Exception Class Hierarchy, and then we'll take a look at some sample code that illustrate how one might work with buffers and memory in Python, and how that might lead to raising BufferErrors under certain circumstances. Let's get to it!

The Technical Rundown

All Python exceptions inherit from the BaseException class, or extend from an inherited class therein. The full exception hierarchy of this error is:

Full Code Sample

Below is the full code sample we'll be using in this article. It can be copied and pasted if you'd like to play with the code yourself and see how everything works.

import io

from gw_utility.logging import Logging

def main():

def log_view(view: memoryview):
Logging.line_separator("MEMORY VIEW OUTPUT")
Logging.log(f'tobytes(): {view.tobytes()}')
Logging.log(f'tolist(): {view.tolist()}')
Logging.log(f'hex(): {view.hex()}')

def buffer_test():
# Create byte array with string 'Hello'.
array = io.BytesIO(b'Hello')
# Create a read-write copy of the bytearray.
view = array.getbuffer()
# Output copied memory view.
# Add string ' world!' to existing bytearray.
array.write(b' world!')
except BufferError as error:
# Output expected BufferErrors.
except Exception as exception:
# Output unexpected Exceptions.
Logging.log_exception(exception, False)

if __name__ == "__main__":

import math
import sys
import traceback

class Logging:
separator_character_default = '-'
separator_length_default = 40

def __output(cls, *args, sep: str = ' ', end: str = '\n', file=None):
"""Prints the passed value(s) to the console.

:param args: Values to output.
:param sep: String inserted between values, default a space.
:param end: String appended after the last value, default a newline.
:param file: A file-like object (stream); defaults to the current sys.stdout.
:return: None
print(*args, sep=sep, end=end, file=file)

def line_separator(cls, value: str = None, length: int = separator_length_default,
char: str = separator_character_default):
"""Print a line separator with inserted text centered in the middle.

:param value: Inserted text to be centered.
:param length: Total separator length.
:param char: Separator character.
output = value

# If no value passed, output separator of length.
if value == None or len(value) == 0:
output = f'{char * length}'
elif len(value) < length:
# Update length based on insert length, less a space for margin.
length -= len(value) + 2
# Halve the length and floor left side.
left = math.floor(length / 2)
right = left
# If odd number, add dropped remainder to right side.
if length % 2 != 0:
right += 1

# Surround insert with separators.
output = f'{char * left} {value} {char * right}'


def log(cls, *args, sep: str = ' ', end: str = '\n', file=None):
"""Prints the passed value(s) to the console.

:param args: Values to output.
:param sep: String inserted between values, default a space.
:param end: String appended after the last value, default a newline.
:param file: A file-like object (stream); defaults to the current sys.stdout.
cls.__output(*args, sep=sep, end=end, file=file)

def log_exception(cls, exception: BaseException, expected: bool = True):
"""Prints the passed BaseException to the console, including traceback.

:param exception: The BaseException to output.
:param expected: Determines if BaseException was expected.
output = "[{}] {}: {}".format('EXPECTED' if expected else 'UNEXPECTED', type(exception).__name__, exception)
exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback = sys.exc_info()

When Should You Use It?

In most cases, Python raises BufferErrors when attempting to make restricted modifications to an existing buffer. For example, if you create a bytes literal using the b prefix (e.g. b'hello'), that collection of bytes is made up of a memory array (or buffer). A handful of built-in objects are considered buffers, such as bytes, bytearray, and a few extension types like array.array. This type of data structure is used to house the binary data of an object in memory.

Moreover, just as with any form of binary data, even the smallest change will fundamentally alter what the data represents. That is to say, a binary value of 10 could be changed to 11, but this would alter the numeric value and change it from 2 to 3. This is normally not a problem to change existing data during an application's execution, but you need to be somewhat careful when altering buffers in Python. Since Python buffers are stored in memory, and all references to that buffer point to the same memory address where the binary data is located, you may run into situations where multiple objects are referencing the same buffer, and an attempt to modify the buffer (that is, change the underlying binary data) can result in a BufferError.

To illustrate this let's take a look at our simple sample code. We'll start with the log_view helper function, which expects a memoryview object to be passed to it, and it outputs some information about this memoryview object, so we can verify the data:

def log_view(view: memoryview):
Logging.line_separator("MEMORY VIEW OUTPUT")
Logging.log(f'tobytes(): {view.tobytes()}')
Logging.log(f'tolist(): {view.tolist()}')
Logging.log(f'hex(): {view.hex()}')

The core of our test takes place in the buffer_test() function, which creates a new io.BytesIO bytearray object with the bytes of string 'Hello' as the value. It then retrieves a read-write copy of the data in the form of a memoryview instance called view, which is then passed to the log_view(view: memoryview) function, to confirm that the original bytes copy was created. Finally, we attempt to modify the original bytearray by calling the write() method and adding the byte string ' world!' to it:

def buffer_test():
# Create byte array with string 'Hello'.
array = io.BytesIO(b'Hello')
# Create a read-write copy of the bytearray.
view = array.getbuffer()
# Output copied memory view.
# Add string ' world!' to existing bytearray.
array.write(b' world!')
except BufferError as error:
# Output expected BufferErrors.
except Exception as exception:
# Output unexpected Exceptions.
Logging.log_exception(exception, False)

Executing the buffer_test() function produces the following output:

------------ BUFFER OUTPUT -------------
tobytes(): b'Hello'
tolist(): [72, 101, 108, 108, 111]
hex(): 48656c6c6f
[EXPECTED] BufferError: Existing exports of data: object cannot be re-sized

We can confirm that the memoryview read-write copy of the original b'Hello' string was created and matches, but we can see that trying to write additional bytes to the existing bytearray raises a BufferError, indicating that the object cannot be re-sized. This occurs because we created a memoryview copy. As previously mentioned, Python doesn't actually create a new in-memory copy of the binary data, and instead, merely points both the array and view pointers to the same in-memory buffer. Therefore, while array and view are the same at first, attempting to modify the underlying binary of data of array by adding b' world!' onto it would also have to alter the size of the buffer used by view, which is not allowed. Hence, a BufferError must be raised.

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