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Ruby Exception Handling: Interrupt

Written by Frances Banks | Jan 10, 2017 11:16:35 AM

Today as we continue our journey through the wide world of Ruby Exception Handling, we're going to examine the Interrupt exception class. Interrupt is a subclass descendant of the Exception superclass, and occurs when a specific interrupt signal is received by the active Ruby process, such as when the user manually halts via Ctrl-C.

In this article we'll examine the Interrupt class in a bit more detail, looking at where it sits within Ruby's Exception class hierarchy, how to handle Interrupt errors, and a few tips for avoid Interrupts exceptions entirely. Let's get to work!

The Technical Rundown

  • All Ruby exceptions are descendants of the Exception class, or a subclass therein.
  • SignalException is a direct descendant of the Exception class.
  • Interrupt is a direct descendant of the SignalException class.

When Should You Use It?

Since Interrupt is a descendant of the SignalException class, it should come as no surprise that Interrupt is just a response to a specific signal being sent to the active process, and caught by Ruby. Let's briefly discuss signals to get a refresher on what they are and how they work.

A signal is a command that can be sent directly to a running process within many operating systems. Typically, a specific signal will be a short string identifier, each with a unique purpose or intended behavior. For example, the TERM signal is short for termination and is intended to terminate the running process it is sent to: Process.kill('TERM',

If you're unsure of what signals are available to your system, simply call the Signal.list method in Ruby for a complete list.

Now in most cases, the Interrupt exception will be raised via a manual interruption command, when the user presses Ctrl-C to halt the active process. This can be seen in practice with the simple example below:

def print_exception(exception, explicit)
puts "[#{explicit ? 'EXPLICIT' : 'INEXPLICIT'}] #{exception.class}: #{exception.message}"
puts exception.backtrace.join("\n")

# Loop indefinitely
count = 0
while true
count = count + 1
puts count
sleep 1
rescue Interrupt => e
print_exception(e, true)
rescue SignalException => e
print_exception(e, false)
rescue Exception => e
print_exception(e, false)

We've created an indefinite loop which pauses every second and outputs the current iteration of our count value. Obviously this would eventually cause a crash if execution was never halted, but for our purposes it works well enough to give us an active process we can manually kill.

After executing and seeing the output number climb for a few seconds, press Ctrl-C and we see our expected Interruptexception was raised and rescued:

[EXPLICIT] Interrupt:
code.rb:13:in `sleep'
code.rb:13:in `<main>'

Additionally, since Interrupt descends from the SignalException class, we can remove our explicit rescue clause for Interrupt and just rescue any SignalException, which will also catch our manual interrupt in the same way:

def print_exception(exception, explicit)
puts "[#{explicit ? 'EXPLICIT' : 'INEXPLICIT'}] #{exception.class}: #{exception.message}"
puts exception.backtrace.join("\n")

# Loop indefinitely
count = 0
while true
count = count + 1
puts count
sleep 1
rescue SignalException => e
print_exception(e, true)
rescue Exception => e
print_exception(e, false)

The output:

[EXPLICIT] Interrupt:
code.rb:35:in `sleep'
code.rb:35:in `<main>'

While manual interruption is useful, it's important to recognize that the common Ctrl-C command to manually interrupt the active process is really just a shortcut way of sending the INT signal to that process, telling it to interrupt.

Therefore, just as with the TERM signal or many others, we can programmatically send the INT signal to our active process through Ruby code itself and raise an Interrupt exception in much the same way as before. Here we're using the same loop, but once the count reaches 5, we send our INT signal:

def print_exception(exception, explicit)
puts "[#{explicit ? 'EXPLICIT' : 'INEXPLICIT'}] #{exception.class}: #{exception.message}"
puts exception.backtrace.join("\n")

# Loop indefinitely
count = 0
while true
count = count + 1
puts count
sleep 1
if count >= 5 then
rescue Interrupt => e
print_exception(e, true)
rescue SignalException => e
print_exception(e, false)
rescue Exception => e
print_exception(e, false)

This produces similar output to the other manual interrupt methods, since from the perspective of both Ruby and the operating system, these INT signal methods are identical:

[EXPLICIT] Interrupt:
code.rb:57:in `kill'
code.rb:57:in `<main>'

To get the most out of your own applications and to fully manage any and all Ruby Exceptions, check out the Airbrake Ruby exception handling tool, offering real-time alerts and instantaneous insight into what went wrong with your Ruby code, including integrated support for a variety of popular Ruby gems and frameworks.