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Ruby Exception Handling: LocalJumpError

Written by Frances Banks | May 17, 2017 2:00:33 PM

Continuing along through our Ruby Exception Handling series, today we're going to take a closer look at the LocalJumpError. Put simply, a LocalJumpError is raised when a yield call is made inside a method that has code block associated with it.

Throughout this article we'll explore the LocalJumpError in more detail, looking at where it sits within the Ruby Exceptionclass hierarchy, briefly going over Ruby code blocks and the yield statement, and then looking at actual code to see how a LocalJumpError is raised. Let's get crackin'!

The Technical Rundown

  • All Ruby exceptions are descendants of the Exception class, or a subclass therein.
  • StandardError is a direct descendant of the Exception class, and is also a superclass with many descendants of its own.
  • LocalJumpError is a direct descendant of the StandardError class.

When Should You Use It?

As mentioned in the introduction, a LocalJumpError can only be raised in a very specific scenario: When a yield call is made within a method that doesn't have an associated code block. To understand just what that means, let's take a moment to refresh ourselves on what blocks are in Ruby, and then we can take a look at how yield is used in conjunction with them.

In Ruby, a block (also known as a closure in some other languages) is a group of statements that can be associated with a method call. A code block is associated with a method when the block immediately follows the method call. A block can be written using one of two possible syntaxes:

# Braces syntax:
my_method { ... }
# Braces syntax, multiline:
my_method {
# ...

# do...end syntax:
my_method do ... end
# do...end syntax, multiline:
my_method do
# ...

Generally speaking, most developers use the braces syntax if the block is a single statement and can, therefore, easily fit on one line. On the other hand, the do...end syntax is commonly used for multiline blocks.

To further illustrate, let's give a real working example of defining a method and then associated a block with our method call:

# Create a book hash.
book = {
title: 'The Stand',
author: 'Stephen King',
published_at: 1978

# Returns the title of the book argument.
def get_title(book)
puts 'Retrieving title...'
puts book[:title]
return book[:title]

# Call the get_title method, with an associated code block.
get_title(book) { puts 'Block has been executed!' }

As you can see, we created a book hash with a handful of values. We then defined the get_title method, which simply returns the title value of our hash. Finally, we make a call to get_title(book), but we've also associated a single line block with our method call: { puts 'Block has been executed!' }

Let's try running this code and see what happens in the output:

Retrieving title...
The Stand

As it happens, we only get the Retrieving title... indicator, and then output the title that we retrieved with our method call. Our code block is not executed. Why? Because we didn't include the yield statement anywhere inside our get_title method.

In Ruby, the yield statement allows you to temporarily halt or step out of the execution of the inner method code, alternatively stepping into the currently associated code block attached to that method. This has many potential benefits across Ruby, but the most common use is with Enumerators, which all use block and yield to retrieve the current iterative value, no matter how many items or iterations are involved.

To see yield in action, let's modify our initial example above by adding a few more lines:

# Create a book hash.
book = {
title: 'The Stand',
author: 'Stephen King',
published_at: 1978

# Returns the title of the book argument.
def get_title(book)
puts 'Yielding...'
# Yields to the code block associated with method call.
yield book[:author]
puts 'Retrieving title...'
puts book[:title]
return book[:title]

# Call the get_title method, with an associated code block.
get_title(book) { puts 'Block has been executed!' }

We added two new lines inside our get_title method. The first is an output to indicate that we're calling yield, and the second is the yield statement itself. Now our output looks different from before:

Block has been executed!
Retrieving title...
The Stand

We can now see that calling yield did its job. During execution of get_title, in between the Yielding... and Retrieving title... lines, our execution stepped out due to the yield statement, and executed the code block that we associated with our method call, which produced the Block has been executed! output.

Keen observers may have also noticed that we passed an argument to our yield call, in this case book[:author]. We can pass arguments to yield calls, which are then passed along to the associated code block when it is executed. We need to define some parameters within our block to make use of this, so let's change our method call to the following code:

get_title(book) do |author|
puts "Author is: #{author}"
puts 'Block has been executed!'

Now, when we make this call to our get_title method, the associated block has an author parameter that we can call inside the block code. The result of our output shows that this passing of values via yield works just fine:

Author is: Stephen King
Block has been executed!
Retrieving title...
The Stand

Whew! Now that we've refreshed ourselves on how Ruby blocks and yield statements work, we can quickly see what causes a LocalJump Error in this context. Simply put, it's when we issue a yield statement inside a method, but that method call doesn't have a code block associated with it. For example, here we have the same code as before, but we've removed the block from our get_title method call:

# Create a book hash.
book = {
title: 'The Stand',
author: 'Stephen King',
published_at: 1978

# Returns the title of the book argument.
def get_title(book)
puts 'Yielding...'
# Yields to the code block associated with method call.
yield book[:author]
puts 'Retrieving title...'
puts book[:title]
return book[:title]

# Call the get_title method, WITHOUT an associated code block.
rescue LocalJumpError => e
print_exception(e, true)
rescue => e
print_exception(e, false)

Sure enough, we raise a LocalJumpError as expected, with the error message explaining problem:

[EXPLICIT] LocalJumpError: no block given (yield)

To get the most out of your own applications and to fully manage any and all Ruby Exceptions, check out the Airbrake Ruby exception handling tool, offering real-time alerts and instantaneous insight into what went wrong with your Ruby code, including integrated support for a variety of popular Ruby gems and frameworks.