Airbrake Blog

Ruby Exception Handling: UncaughtThrowError

Written by Frances Banks | Feb 1, 2017 12:00:46 PM

The steady journey through our extensive Ruby Exception Handling series continues. Today we'll be taking a closer look at the UncaughtThrowError. UncaughtThrowError is a descendant class of the ArgumentError, which is, in turn, a descendant of the StandardError superclass we all know and love. UncaughtThrowError is, as the name implies, raised when a throw is called but not properly caught by an appropriate catch block.

In this article we'll closely examine the UncaughtThrowError class, looking at where it sits within Ruby's Exception class hierarchy, and also how to deal with any UncaughtThrowErrors you may experience during your own coding forays. Let's get this party started!

The Technical Rundown

  • All Ruby exceptions are descendants of the Exception class, or a subclass therein.
  • StandardError is a direct descendant of the Exception class, and is also a superclass with many descendants of its own.
  • ArgumentError is a direct descendant of the StandardError class.
  • UncaughtThrowError is a direct descendant of the ArgumentError class.

When Should You Use It?

To better understand what causes an UncaughtThrowError to be raised, it's important to understand the basics of the throw-catch mechanisms within Ruby.

As we've seen many times throughout our Ruby Exception Handling series, Ruby's most basic error handling capabilities come from the begin-rescue block. Any code executed inside the begin block, and which also happens to raise an exception, will instead continue execution within the corresponding rescue block matching the particular exception type that was raised.

A similar kind of execution rerouting can also be explicitly performed using the throw-catch block. When execution encounters a throw method, it immediately finds the location of a corresponding catch block to jump execution to, as indicated by the first passed argument, known as the tag.

For example, here we're performing a simple process of iterating our count variable every half-second, outputting the count along with the timestamp. Once the count reaches our limit of 9 or greater, we execute a throw block using the :alerttag:

result = catch(:alert) do
count = 0
while true
count = count + 1
puts "Count #{count} at #{}"
sleep 0.5
throw :alert, count if count >= 9
puts "Throw has been caught at count #{result}!"

Even though the while true end block should cause an infinite loop, we're taking advantage of the throw method call using the tag :alert and passing the value of count along with it. By then assigning the resulting value of our catch block for the corresponding :alert tag at the top to the result variable, we can execute our infinite loop until count meets our limit of 9 iterations. We then throw to catch(:alert), which then passes that value of count into the result variable after exiting out of the catch code block.

The output, as expected, shows nine iterations then the throw is caught:

Count 1 at 2017-01-29 07:01:55 UTC
Count 2 at 2017-01-29 07:01:55 UTC
Count 3 at 2017-01-29 07:01:56 UTC
Count 4 at 2017-01-29 07:01:56 UTC
Count 5 at 2017-01-29 07:01:57 UTC
Count 6 at 2017-01-29 07:01:57 UTC
Count 7 at 2017-01-29 07:01:58 UTC
Count 8 at 2017-01-29 07:01:58 UTC
Count 9 at 2017-01-29 07:01:59 UTC
Throw has been caught at count 9!

With a basic understanding of how throw-catch blocks work together, it's not much of a leap to extrapolate from there how the UncaughtThrowError might come about. By simply failing to properly catch the :alert tag we threw, an UncaughtThrowError is born.

In this example, all we've done to our previous code is change the expected tag of our catch block from :alert to a mismatched tag of :error:

def print_exception(exception, explicit)
puts "[#{explicit ? 'EXPLICIT' : 'INEXPLICIT'}] #{exception.class}: #{exception.message}"
puts exception.backtrace.join("\n")

count = catch (:error) do
count = 0
while true
count = count + 1
puts "Count #{count} at #{}"
sleep 0.5
throw :alert, count if count >= 9
puts "Throw has been caught at count #{count}!"
rescue UncaughtThrowError => e
print_exception(e, true)
rescue => e
print_exception(e, false)

We've also added some niceties to help us properly rescue and display any exceptions we get, but the only fundamental difference is the aforementioned tag change to :error in our catch block. As expected, once our count reaches our limit of 9 and the throw executes, it fails to find a corresponding catch block looking for the :alert tag, and thus produces an UncaughtThrowError:

Count 1 at 2017-01-29 07:09:20 UTC
Count 9 at 2017-01-29 07:09:24 UTC
[EXPLICIT] UncaughtThrowError: uncaught throw :alert
code.rb:37:in `throw'
code.rb:37:in `block in <main>'
code.rb:31:in `catch'
code.rb:31:in `<main>'

To get the most out of your own applications and to fully manage any and all Ruby Exceptions, check out the Airbrake Ruby exception handling tool, offering real-time alerts and instantaneous insight into what went wrong with your Ruby code, including integrated support for a variety of popular Ruby gems and frameworks.